COTAC Bibliography

Amongst other matters, understanding the worth, construction, design, period, setting and location of a place is important whilst also recognising previous influences and directions that could have had an impact. Here, a bibliographic search can prove rewarding. In providing some direction to follow, COTAC aims to ensure that the overall structure of its UC School Learning Initiative can offer support through its Digital Bibliography. This is arranged and presented with reference to the 14 ICOMOS Education and Training Guidelines and with an intention of enhancing the content of COTAC’s Insight 2: The Need to be Aware of the Built Heritage.

The 14 ICOMOS Education and Training Guidelines (1993):

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h) Know, understand and apply UNESCO conventions and recommendations, and ICOMOS and other recognised Charters, regulations and guidelines.
Athens Charter (1931)
Venice Charter (1964)
Appleton Charter (1983)
Nara Document on Authenticity (1994)
Burra Charter (1981 Revised 1999)

Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (1972)
European Charter of the Architectural Heritage (1975)
Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe (1985)
European Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage (Revised)(1992)
European Cultural Convention (1954)
London European Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage (1969)
Florence European Landscape Convention (2000)
Faro Council of Europe Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society (2005)
Valleta European Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage (2009)
Granada Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe (2009)

Council of Europe Recommendations
CoE Recommendation R (86) 15 Promotion of Craft Trades Involved in the Conservation of the Architectural Heritage
CoE Recommendation R (88) 5 Control of Physical Deterioration of the Architectural Heritage Accelerated by Pollution
CoE Recommendation R (89) 5 Protection and Enhancement of the Archaeological Heritage in the Context of Town And Country Planning Operations
CoE Recommendation R (89) 6 Protection and Enhancement of the Rural Architectural Heritage
CoE Resolution 916 (1989) Redundant Religious Buildings
CoE Recommendation R (90) 20 Protection and Conservation of the Industrial, Technical and Civil Engineering Heritage
CoE Recommendation R (91) 6 Measures Likely to Promote the Funding of the Conservation of the Architectural Heritage
CoE Recommendation R (91) 13 Protection of the Twentieth-Century Architectural Heritage
CoE Recommendation R (93) 9 Protection of the Architectural Heritage Against Natural Disasters
CoE Recommendation R (95) 3 Co-Ordinating Documentation Methods and Systems Related to Historic Buildings and Monuments of the Architectural Heritage
CoE Recommendation R (95) 9 Integrated Conservation Of Cultural Landscape Areas
CoE Recommendation R (97) 2 Sustained Care of the Cultural Heritage Against Physical Deterioration Due to Pollution and Other Similar Factors
CoE Resolution 98 (2000) 1 Historic Towns in Europe
CoE Recommendation 1484 (2000) Management of Cathedrals and Other Major Religious Buildings in Use
CoE Recommendation 1485 (2000) Disused Hospitals and Military Buildings
CoE Recommendation 1486 (2000) Maritime and Fluvial Cultural Heritage

SPAB Manifesto
BS7913: 1998 (To purchase a Copy)
SPAB Repair of Ancient Buildings A. R. Powys (3rd Ed)
Viollet-le-Duc Dictionary Of French Architecture
n) Be able to work with inhabitants, administrators and planners to resolve conflicts and to develop conservation strategies appropriate to local needs, abilities and resources.

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